Hybrid scripting

Hybrid scripting

So you're writing a gadget for the contest and you've come on something simply impossible to do using the existing Script API. Say, for example, you need a more advanced message box that has "Yes", "No," and "Cancel" buttons, while our API only gives you a message box with just an "OK" button. Instead of redesigning your application to avoid this, you can write a hybrid script gadget to add the desired functionality. A hybrid script gadget has an <object> tag in its gmanifest file that specifies a COM component which implements features we never imagined you'd want to do.

I've written up a simple example (HybridYesNoCancel) for those of you wondering how to do this. Included with the sample is a readme file which describes, step-by-step, exactly how to do it. You can get everything in the Google Desktop SDK.

And now that the deadline has been extended, it's not too late to create something new and exciting for the contest!
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