So Instead of a Book Report...

So Instead of a Book Report...

How many of us read a book and then create a craft project to show our friends all about what we read? I don't, and I have yet to find anyone that does. Maybe those adults do exist but still why is it that I was under the impression that book report meant diorama or a puppet show?

So this year I am taking a leap of faith; having students read for the fun of it and share their opinion of the book - novel idea I know. So instead of a craft project, how about...

  1. Create a genre bulletin board where students can add a review about their book
  2. Have students read two books within a genre and do a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the two books? Or read two books by the same author?
  3. Blog about your book; reflect, ask questions, see if others have read it
  4. Create a wordle about the word associations you had with the book
  5. Write a Haiku about the book
  6. Use glogster to create a collage about the book and references in it
  7. Read aloud the most interesting part, trying to get others to read it and then explain why you chose that part
  8. Do a book talk with a partner or the teacher
  9. Prove to the class in 5 minutes or less that you really read the book
  10. Sell the book to your classmates, how can you get them to read it - written or oral - try this even if you did not like the book, can you still convince others?
  11. Act out your character
  12. Write a letter/email to the author (even if no longer alive). Tell them what you thought of their book.
  13. Blog about what you learned from the book.
  14. Surf the net looking for pictures of references made in your book
  15. Do a book review in the style of a movie critic - thumbs up or thumbs down
  16. Venn Diagram characters in your book
  17. Do an author study alone or with a partner
  18. Create a VoiceThread discussing your book's message
  19. Pretend you are the author on a Voki and tell us about your newest project
  20. Search for reviews of the book on the internet and add your own review
  21. Write to a penpal about your book and why you chose it
  22. Participate in the Global Read Aloud Project
  23. Create a book trailer
  24. Video tape the book talk
  25. Use Shelfari to post the book and then explain why you chose to post it
  26. This idea comes from Mrs. Pilver - use a Voki Book Hook , so cool 

Anymore ideas?  My students will greatly appreciate them...

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