I Once Met Angela Johnson

I Once Met Angela Johnson

I once met Angela Johnson
That poet author, who takes you there, makes you live, makes you feel.
I touched that hand that wrote those words and she turned to me and said, "And what do you want to be when you grow up?"
So I felt like a kid, wishing, dreaming and thinking about all of the possibilities.
And I said, "I want to be like you, a sayer of words, a magical creature, who makes you feel, makes you think, makes you live."
And she turned to me and smiled and said, "You must find your voice to be you, not to be me."

S I searched within me.
Dug down into the layers, not knowing what it was was looking for but knowing it was somewhere.
Because Angela Johnson told me so.
And one day, there it was, found beneath the layers.
A tiny voice with no direction, but this urgency that meant I could not hold it back.
And I so I tried to become the slayer of words, to make the people feel, to take you there.
Until I realized that I was not Angela Johnson, I was me.
I had found my voice voice but not my thoughts.
So the search continues because
I once met Angela Johnson.
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