If We Could Grant Wishes

If We Could Grant Wishes

Yesterday we had our winter break party with our first grade reading buddies.  Students listened to holiday music from around the world, ate aebleskiver (a Danish treat), and cut out snowflakes for a wish tree.  We told them to write their wishes for the new year on these snowflakes.  This morning as I spearated the glittered and glued together snowflakes, I read them.

I wish for an Ipad (hey, a child can dream), for a bunny, dvd's, games, world peace even.  I wish for a great year, for sleep, for more world peace (definitely a 4th grader).  A rat, a dog, a magic wand, flat screen tv's, Nintendo D.S., fish, a pool, and even a bigger house.  And then there it sat, glued to another wish, unassuming and small:  I wish I had more friends.

If only teachers had a magic wand...

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