F in Exams Book Give Away - Because It Made Me Think

F in Exams Book Give Away - Because It Made Me Think

Driving home the other night my 2 year old daughter was saying goodnight to the animals we passed.  "Goodnight cows.  Goodnight horsey."  Just one of those moments.  Then she told me proudly, "Mommy, the chickens sleeping."  I, knowing that she loves making clucking sounds, asked her "What do the chickens say when they sleep, Thea?"  Her answer?  "HOOOOONK!"  And with that my daughter failed her first test ever.

In honor of my continued fight against inane tests that serve no purpose other than to seemingly torture students, I am excited to be giving away "F in Exams" by Richard Benson as part of their blog tour for the book.  This collection of funny and strange student answers on actual exams will at first make you laugh, and then hopefully make you think.  All you have to do to enter is to share your funny/sad story about tests or exams, or even your opinion and leave me some way to contact you.  The giveaway will run from today to Sunday the 4th, where a winner will be selected.

From the book:

I have to admit my favorite was the following exchange:
"Claire was well prepared for her interview.  Explain how Claire may have prepared herself for the interview."
Answer:  had a bath and put on her lucky pants.

Ahh yes, the lucky pants, who hasn't had those.

So I am happy to be part of the giveaway for this book. Laugh about it, cry about it, but read it and think about it.

Tomorrow the give away continues, so head over to It's Not All Flowers and Sausages to enter there as well.

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