Go On - Be Happy With Me

Go On - Be Happy With Me

The new year smells of new opportunities, new promises, hope and change.  And yet I know that no grand sweeping resolutions will stick.  Heck I broke my first one about 30 seconds after midnight when I swore, oops.  So this year I am keeping it simple, along with my mantra to slow down I want to enjoy more, to smile more, to laugh more, so here comes the happiness streak.  (And no, I cannot take credit for that awesome title, it is from Josh Stumpenhorst.)

So every day I promise to notice my happiness moments, I promise to share them (hashtag #happystreak), and to show that the true happiness in life does come from those small fleeting moments.  So for the first day of the year I will have a luxurious breakfast with my family and I will read Thea a book.  Those will be my happiness moments today, what will yours be?  Start your happiness streak today.

So to make it more official, I will do a 365 photo blog of my happiness streak - check it out here.
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