Even With Our Changed Classrooms, Have We Changed Anything At All?

Even With Our Changed Classrooms, Have We Changed Anything At All?

Image from icanread

It relates to school because there are calculators...

It relates to school because he uses math in counting out the tickets ...

It has to do with math and that is why it has to do with school...

My students are journaling about the movie "Caine's Arcade" and how it relates to school.  These wonderfully creative, powerfully imaginative students don't see the deep connections between the environment that I try to create and that of Caine.  They don't see how I try to challenge them to problemsolve, to create, to use materials in different ways.  to try, to fail and to have hope and perseverance.

Instead they see a 9-year-old boy who realized life was more than calculators and math.  That you could build something with what you have and have a little bit of hope.  They see that boy as an inspiration, his arcade as incredible, but not those things in the environment we create here, at school. 

What a lesson for me to be taught; school is still seen as its own world with set rules.  Segmented and regimented.  As something departmentalized from creativity, or at least where creativity is built into the day, scripted and called for.  School is viewed as something to be lived through so the real experimenting can happen afterwards.  I may think I do things differently, but I may be the only one.
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