Wallpaper Euro 2012

Have You Asked For Parent Feedback - You Should, Even If It Hurts...

I click on the link nervously, not sure that I really want to read what I am about to see, and yet I must if I want to continue being a reflective teacher that realizes that she still has a lot to learn.  What has sent my palms into such a clammy mess?  Results from my end of the year parent survey....  Something I have forced myself to do the last two years, all in the name of bettering myself.

So why the trepidation?  Well, even though most parents don't take issue with how I teach, or we iron things out along the way, sending someone an anonymous survey to fill out makes anyone nervous.  Particularly when those someones are people who have seen the direct result of your teaching on their child for a whole year.  Particularly when those someones speak to other someones who may just have a child going into 5th grade.  Particularly when those someones really have a right to tell you exactly how they feel because their kid is involved, which means they are involved.

And yet it took me 2 years to get to that point.  It took me that long to want to hear what parents truly had to say.  It took me 2 years to have enough confidence to be able to really listen without getting offended, without taking it like a personal attack.  Without feeling they were automatically in the wrong if they didn't love everything I had done.

So now it is with gratitude, and of course still trepidation that I read the answers they provide.  I know I do school differently than most of them are used to.  I know my philosophy sometimes stands in a stark contrast to those of my amazing team members.  I know this 5th grade experience may be vastly different than that of 6th grade.  So I ask the tough questions and then hold my breath.  I ask how I can improve, what I should focus on next year,  whether I did a good enough job, because I truly do want to hear the answers.  I truly do want the truth so that I can grow.  There are always answers that go straight to my heart, those that make me reflect and rething, refine and reconsider.  And I am thankful for that.

Asking for feedback is never easy.  Listening to the feedback is even harder, and yet, I don't look back.  I urge others to do the same; ask the questions and then really really listen to those answers.  Don't ask because you feel you have to, ask because you want to grow.  Even if it hurts and stings.  Even if it is not what you had hoped to hear.  We are not perfect, or at least I am not.  I still have a lot of growing to do.

PS:  My parent survey changed a lot this year thanks to help from Kaitlyn Gentry who was kind enough to share her end of year survey with me.

Rockerbikerdragking Mike

Mike Daisey: Perhaps tech writers ‘aren’t actually journalists either?’ | Poynter.

Mike Daisey: Perhaps tech writers ‘aren’t actually journalists either?’ | Poynter.:

I’d actually love to hear a follow-up to this question, because I don’t recall ever reading Tim Cook addressing a central point of Charles Duhigg and David Barboza’s deeply reported New York Times piece from January: Whether Chinese factories are responding to Apple’s demands for lower prices from their suppliers by treating their employees badly. From that piece:

“The only way you make money working for Apple is figuring out how to do things more efficiently or cheaper,” said an executive at one company that helped bring the iPad to market. “And then they’ll come back the next year, and force a 10 percent price cut.”

Were Swisher and Mossberg duty-bound to follow up on the reporting of others during Cook’s first big interview as Apple CEO? No. It sure would have been nice, though. Mike Daisey’s style may not exactly goad Swisher and Mossberg into not wasting future opportunities, but he’s got a point here.


MCA bringing Stew, Handspring Puppet Theatre, Mike Daisey to Chicago in 2012-13 -

MCA bringing Stew, Handspring Puppet Theatre, Mike Daisey to Chicago in 2012-13 -

Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art has announced its 2012-13 season of live performances. The typically expansive, eclectic and inter-disciplinary season includes the following events:

The performance artist Mike Daisey will perform a new piece, "American Utopias," from Nov. 1-11, in a co-presentation with the Chicago Humanities Festival. Daisey was recently in the news following the controversy surrounding his show about Steve Jobs andApple Inc. His new show is about the American obsession with utopias.


Aim High

Download Soal SNMPTN 2012

Soal SNMPTN 2012 kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang Download Soal SNMPTN 2012, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan dalam belajar dan mendapatkan lulus ujan dengan baik semoga juga sukses mendapatkan sekolah yang baru

Soal SNMPTN 2012 saat ini banyak di cari peserta SNMPTN 2012 di internet guna sebagai bahan ujian SNMPTN 2012 di mana saat ini pendaftaran SNMPTN akan berakhir pada 31 mei 2012 mendatang dan peserta tinggal menunggu jadwal ujian tertulis pada tanggal 20 juni 2012 nanti.Tentunya bagi sobat yang mempersiapkan ujian tertulis nanti sudah banyak belajar agar lulus SNMPTN 2012, nah di sini bloggersimo juga akan sedikit share mengenai kisi-kisi Soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download secara gratis sebagai bahan ujian SNMPTN 2012 nanti yang meliputi jurusan IPA dan juga IPS, dimana soal ini akan disajikan dalam 2 bagian, yaitu soal Tes Potensi Akademik dan soal Tes Kemampuan Dasar.

Berikut ini link download soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download satu-persatu :
Download Soal Test Bidang Studi IPA
- Matematika IPA : Download 1, Download 2
- Fisika : Download 1, Download 2
- Kimia : Download 1, Download 2
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- Ekonomi : Download 1, Download 2
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- Sosiologi : Download 1, Download 2
Download Soal Tes Potensi Akademik untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS
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Download Soal Tes Kemampuan Dasar untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS
- Matematika Dasar : Download 1, Download 2
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Itulah Soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download secara gratis, semoga bermanfaat buat sobat khususnya peserta yang mau ujian SNMPTn 2012.
Soal SNMPTN 2012 saat ini banyak di cari peserta SNMPTN 2012 di internet guna sebagai bahan ujian SNMPTN 2012 di mana saat ini pendaftaran SNMPTN akan berakhir pada 31 mei 2012 mendatang dan peserta tinggal menunggu jadwal ujian tertulis pada tanggal 20 juni 2012 nanti.Tentunya bagi sobat yang mempersiapkan ujian tertulis nanti sudah banyak belajar agar lulus SNMPTN 2012, nah di sini bloggersimo juga akan sedikit share mengenai kisi-kisi Soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download secara gratis sebagai bahan ujian SNMPTN 2012 nanti yang meliputi jurusan IPA dan juga IPS, dimana soal ini akan disajikan dalam 2 bagian, yaitu soal Tes Potensi Akademik dan soal Tes Kemampuan Dasar. Berikut ini link download soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download satu-persatu : Download Soal Test Bidang Studi IPA - Matematika IPA : Download 1, Download 2 - Fisika : Download 1, Download 2 - Kimia : Download 1, Download 2 - Biologi : Download 1, Download 2 Download Soal Test Bidang Studi IPS - Ekonomi : Download 1, Download 2 - Geografi : Download 1, Download 2 - Sejarah : Download 1, Download 2 - Sosiologi : Download 1, Download 2 Download Soal Tes Potensi Akademik untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS Download 1, Download 2 Download Soal Tes Kemampuan Dasar untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS - Matematika Dasar : Download 1, Download 2 - Bahasa Indonesia : Download 1, Download 2 - Bahasa Inggris : Download 1,Download 2 sumber download : Itulah Soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download secara gratis, semoga bermanfaat buat sobat khususnya peserta yang mau ujian SNMPTn 2012.

Read more at:
Copyright Under Common Share Alike Atribution
Soal SNMPTN 2012 saat ini banyak di cari peserta SNMPTN 2012 di internet guna sebagai bahan ujian SNMPTN 2012 di mana saat ini pendaftaran SNMPTN akan berakhir pada 31 mei 2012 mendatang dan peserta tinggal menunggu jadwal ujian tertulis pada tanggal 20 juni 2012 nanti.Tentunya bagi sobat yang mempersiapkan ujian tertulis nanti sudah banyak belajar agar lulus SNMPTN 2012, nah di sini bloggersimo juga akan sedikit share mengenai kisi-kisi Soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download secara gratis sebagai bahan ujian SNMPTN 2012 nanti yang meliputi jurusan IPA dan juga IPS, dimana soal ini akan disajikan dalam 2 bagian, yaitu soal Tes Potensi Akademik dan soal Tes Kemampuan Dasar. Berikut ini link download soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download satu-persatu : Download Soal Test Bidang Studi IPA - Matematika IPA : Download 1, Download 2 - Fisika : Download 1, Download 2 - Kimia : Download 1, Download 2 - Biologi : Download 1, Download 2 Download Soal Test Bidang Studi IPS - Ekonomi : Download 1, Download 2 - Geografi : Download 1, Download 2 - Sejarah : Download 1, Download 2 - Sosiologi : Download 1, Download 2 Download Soal Tes Potensi Akademik untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS Download 1, Download 2 Download Soal Tes Kemampuan Dasar untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS - Matematika Dasar : Download 1, Download 2 - Bahasa Indonesia : Download 1, Download 2 - Bahasa Inggris : Download 1,Download 2 sumber download : Itulah Soal SNMPTN 2012 yang dapat sobat download secara gratis, semoga bermanfaat buat sobat khususnya peserta yang mau ujian SNMPTn 2012.

Read more at:
Copyright Under Common Share Alike Atribution

Yamaha Vixion 2012

Yamaha Vixion 2012 kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang Motor terbaru dari yamaha Vixion 2012, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan dalam memilih motor terbaru sesuai dengan dana kita untuk lebih memikirkan kefungsnya sebagai alat untuk transportasi pilihan kita sendiri

Motor ini sejak peluncuranya memiliki mahner tersendiri dan bisa merajai pasar motor sport Indonesia sejak pertama kali muncul dengan gaya nya yang asik dan performa yang menjanjikan bisa jadi pilihan motor sport anak muda indonesia.
Dengan teknologi injeksinya lebih disempurnakan yang diberi nama Yamaha Mixture JET-Fuel Injection (YMJET-FI). Inilah komitmen Yamaha untuk Semakin Di Depan dengan memproduksi sepeda motor yang berkualitas tinggi dan berteknologi masa depan.

Ada perbedaan mendasar pada sistem Fuel Injection (FI) terbaru ini yaitu posisi injektor langsung diarahkan ke ruang bahan bakar, dengan demikian membuat pembakaran bahan bakar akan lebih sempurna, dapat menekan emisi hingga 90%.

Maka dampaknya Yamaha Vixion 2012 ini akan tampil lebih irit, bertenaga, ramah lingkungan, dan mudah dalam perawatannya. Pada seri 2012 ini Yamaha V-ixion tampil lebih elegan dan sporty.

Spesifikasi Yamaha Vixion 2012 
Model : 3C11
Tipe Mesin : Liquid Cooled, 4T, SOHC
Diameter x Langkah : 57 x 58,7 (mm)
Volume Silinder : 149.8 cc
Perbandingan Kompresi : 10.4 : 1
Sistem Starter : Kick & Electric Starter
Putaran Langsam : 1300 – 1500 rpm
Power : 11.10 kw (14.88 HP) / 8,500 rpm
Torsi : 13.10 nm (1.34 Kgf.m)/ 7,500 rpm BAHAN BAKAR
Bahan baker disarankan : Unleaded Gasoline (Premium tanpa timbal)
Kapasitas tangki : 12 Ltr

Oli disarankan : SAE 20W40 / SAE 20W50 API SERVICE SJ
Sistem pelumasan : Tipe basah
Jumlah Oli Mesin
- Penggantian berkala (tanpa melepas filter) : 0.95 Ltr
- Penggantian berkala (dengan melepas filter) : 1.00 Ltr
- Penggantian total : 1.15 Ltr

Tipe : AC 28/1
Merk / Buatan : MIKUNI
Cam Chain : Silent Chain / 96
Tensioner : Automatic
Celah Katup
- Masuk : 0.10 ~ 0.14 mm
- Buang : 0.20 ~ 0.24 mm

Lebar : 705 mm
Tinggi : 1,035 mm
Panjang : 2,000 mm
Tinggi Tempat Duduk : 790 mm
Jarak Sumbu Roda : 1,282 mm
Sudut Caster : 260
Trail : 100 mm
Jarak terendah ke tanah : 167 mm
Berat Bersih : 114 Kg
Berat Kotor (+ cairan) : 125 Kg

Tipe : Tipe Kering

Tipe / Buatan : CR 8 E (NGK) / U 24 ESR-N (DENSO)
Gap Busi : 0.7 ~0.8 mm

Timing pengapian : 100 / 1,400 rpm
Tahanan pick up coil : 248 ~ 372 ohm
Tahanan primary coil : 2.16 ~ 2.64 ohm
Tahanan secondary oil : 8.64 ~ 12.96 ohm
Fuse (Sekring) : 20 Ampere
Bulb (bohlam) lampu depan : 12V 35/35W, 12V 5W (Lampu senja)
Bulb (bohlam) lampu belakang : 12V 5/21W

Kapasitas : 12V 3.5 Ampere
Harga Yamaha Vixion 2012
Seperti yang dikutip dari situs yamaha motor indonesia, harga Yamaha Vixion 2012 ini dijual oleh Yamaha dengan banderol Rp.22.115.000,Yamaha Vixion ini merupakan motor Vixion terbaru dengan kemajuan teknologi dari motor Vixion sebelumnya.

Nissan Evalia Harga Dan Spesifikasi 2012

Nissan Evalia Harga Dan Spesifikasi 2012 kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang harga mobil terbaru untuk dijadikan referensi mobil anda sekalian, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan dalam memilih mobil baru.  Nissan Evalia Harga Dan Spesifikasi berikut ini mobil baru yang bisa jadi pilihan mobil keluarga anda untuk Nissan Evalia Harga Dan Spesifikasi 2012 silahkan berikut adalah informasinya untuk Harga Nissan Evalia 2012 semoga artikel tentang Harga Nissan Evalia Dan Spesifikasi terbaru 2012 Bermanfaat untuk anda dalam menentukan informasi untuk harga mobil terbaru saat ini, untuk selanjutnya di blog ini juga akan di hadirkan berita terbaru mengenai Modifikasi Mobil
Harga Nissan Evalia Dan Spesifikasi Nissan Evalia merupakan salah satu mobil low MPV yang di proyeksikan pabrikan Nissan buat menganjal laju avanza dan xenia di pasaran low MPV di Indonesia, dan menurut kabar terbaru Nissan evalia akan mulai di pasarkan di Indonesia pada tanggal 7 juni mendatang, Harga Nissan evalia di Indonesia akan di bandrol sekitar 160 jutaan, dan yang paling mahal adalah sehara 180 jutaan
Nissan Evalia akan memakai mesin dengan kapasitas 1.500 cc HR15DE yang juga di gunakan dalam mesin Nissan Juke. MPV Evalia mempunyai bodi agak besar dengan sliding door manual di sisi kiri dan kanan, dan hadir dalam dua varian, yaitu VX XV merupakan Evalia SV plus DVD single DIN AM/FM, radio, USB, AUX-in, 10 inci monitor, fog lamp, parking sensor, rear view camera (integrated with information display), rear cooler, I-Key with immobilizer, serta fitur keselamatan ABS, ABE, BA dan front SRS airbag.

Untuk model model yang kedua adalah model SV, Beberapa Fitur yang digunakan dalam Nissan Evalia SV berupa single DIN AM/FM. USB, AUX-in, 4 speaker, body color handle, back door finisher, black radiator grille with chrome finisher, front power window, central door lock, eletric door mirror, electric power steering, keyless entry with alarm, multi information display (tachometer, FE display, tripmeter, shift indicator & clock), mud guard, rear wiper, 2&3 row head rest, 14 alloy wheel, ABS, EBD, BA (optional).

Evalia mempunyai dimensi panjang 4.400 mm dan lebar 1.695 mm serta wheelbase 2.725 mm yang dimana hal ini memberikan kesan lega kepada para penumpangnya. Nissan Evalia bisa menampung 7 penumpang dengan kapasitas bagasi mencapai 590 kg. kelebihan evalia ini adalah kursi baris ketiga bisa dilipat ke atas, dengan begitu ruang belakang semakin lega.

Ada yang berbeda dari MPV lainnya. MPV Evalia memiliki bentuk sasis monocoque yang dikawinkan dengan per daun (belakang), dan per keong di depan. Nissan Evalia sendiri di luncurkan dengan beberapa pilihan warna lewat dark red metallic, black solid, silver metallic, white solid, blue green metallic, dan grey metallic.

Tidak sabar menunggu kehadiran Nissan evalia di Indonesia silahkan melakukan inden untuk jenis MPV terbaru dari Nissan ini, dengan harga yang di bandrol pada kisaran 160 sampai 180 juta.

Nah Demikianlah Info Mengenai Nissan Evalia Harga Dan Spesifikasi 2012. Semoga bermanfaat buat anda.

Referensi :

Harga Samsung Galaxy s3 terbaru 2012

Harga Samsung Galaxy s3 terbaru 2012Harga Samsung Galaxy s3 terbaru 2012 kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang HArga terbaru samsung, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan dalam menentukan pilihan gadget yang sesuai buat agan sekalian terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat.

Harga Samsung Galaxy s3 terbaru 2012 - Samsung Galaxy s3. Informasi Gadget kali ini alibloggers share buat anda mengenai Harga Samsung Galaxy S3 yah dengar dengan kabar di kisarkan yaitu Rp.7.5 Juta bahkan hampir sama dengan Iphone 4s, waww.. nah dibawah ini adalah Harga samsung galaxy s3 terbaru 2012

Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy S III :

General2G NetworkGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Network
4G Network
HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
LTE (Regional)
SizeDimensions136.6 x 70.6 x 8.6 mm
Weight133 g
- Touch-sensitive controls
DisplayTypeSuper AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size720 x 1280 pixels, 4.8 inches (~306 ppi pixel density)
SoundAlert typesVibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
3.5mm jackYes
MemoryPhonebookPractically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall
Call recordsPractically unlimited
Internal16/32/64 GB storage, 1 GB RAM
Card slotmicroSD, up to 64 GB
DataGPRSClass 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots), 32 – 48 kbps
EDGEClass 12
3GHSDPA, 21 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, DLNA, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot
BluetoothYes, v4.0 with A2DP, EDR
USBYes, microUSB v2.0 (MHL), USB On-the-go
CameraPrimary8 MP, 3264×2448 pixels, autofocus, LED flash
VideoYes, 1080p@30fps
FeaturesSimultaneous HD video and image recording, geo-tagging, touch focus, face and smile detection, image stabilization
FeaturesOSAndroid OS, v4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
CPUQuad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A9, Exynos 4212 Quad, GPU Mali-400MP, Accelerometer, gyro, RGB sensor, proximity, compass, barometer
MessagingSMS(threaded view), MMS, Email
BrowserHTML, Adobe Flash
RadioStereo FM radio with RDS
GamesYes, Downloadable
ColorsBlue, White
GPSYes, with A-GPS support and GLONASS
JavaYes, via Java MIDP emulator

- MicroSIM card support only
- S-Voice natural language commands and dictation
- Smart Stay eye tracking
- Dropbox (50 GB storage)
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
- TV-out (via MHL A/V link)
- SNS integration
- MP4/DivX/XviD/WMV/H.264/H.263 player
- MP3/WAV/eAAC+/AC3/FLAC player
- Organizer
- Image/video editor
- Document editor (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)
- Google Search, Maps, Gmail,
YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk, Picasa integration
- Voice memo/dial/commands
- Predictive text input (Swype)
BatteryTypeStandard battery, Li-Ion 2100 mAh
Stand-by -
Talk time -
Demikian Informasi Mengenai Harga Samsung Galaxy s3 terbaru 2012


JADWAL LENGKAP RCTI PIALA EROPA 2012 kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang iaran Langsung RCTI Euro 2012, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan dalam mengikuti berita siaran sepak bola Online di RCTI

JADWAL LENGKAP RCTI PIALA EROPA 2012 - Siaran Langsung RCTI Euro 2012 Jam dan Tanggal Tayang Pertandingan. Laga Euro 2012 akan ditayangkan oleh RCTI dan juga MNC Sports dari matchday 1 hingga Final. Upacara pembukaan Piala Eropa dan laga perdana akan digulirkan pada hari Jumat (08 Juni) sementara upacara penutupan dan laga final akan jatuh pada Minggu (01 Juli).

Totalnya keseluruhan untuk pertandingan Piala Eropa 2012 akan ada 31 pertandingan, dan semuanya akan ditayangkan oleh RCTI dan juga MNC Sports, 27 secara Live sementara 4 lainnya untuk siaran tunda.

Media Nusantara Citra selaku pemegang hak siar di Indonesia akan menyiarkan secara telestrial lewat stasiun televisi RCTI, sementara MNC Sports untuk tayangan berbayar (TV kabel berlangganan).

Belanda Spanyol Perancis
Denmark Italia Inggris
Jerman Irlandia Ukraina
Portugal Kroasia Swedia

Jadwal RCTI Piala Eropa 2012 (Pertandingan Euro 2012) Siaran TV RCTI
Jadwal Harian Pertandingan Penyisihan Grup Piala Eropa (Euro 2012):
1. POLANDIA vs YUNANI (Live! 8 Juni, pukul 21.00 WIB)
2. RUSIA vs CEKO (Live! 9 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
3. BELANDA vs DENMARK (Live! 9 Juni, pukul 22.15 WIB)
4. JERMAN vs PORTUGAL (Live! 10 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
5. SPANYOL vs ITALIA (Live! 10 Juni, Pukul 22.15 WIB)
6. IRLANDIA vs KROASIA (Live! 11 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
7. PERANCIS vs INGGRIS (Live! 11 Juni, Pukul 22.15 WIB)
8. UKRAINA vs SWEDIA (Live! 12 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
9. YUNANI vs CEKO (Live! 12 Juni, Pukul 22.15 WIB)
10. POLANDIA vs RUSIA (Live! 13 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
11. DENMARK vs PORTUGAL (Live! 13 Juni, Pukul 22.15 WIB)
12. BELANDA vs JERMAN (Live! 14 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
13. ITALIA vs KROASIA (Live! 14 Juni. Pukul 22.15 WIB)
14. SPANYOL vs IRLANDIA (Live! 15 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
15. UKRAINA vs PERANCIS (Live! 15 Juni, Pukul 22.15 WIB)
16. SWEDIA vs INGGRIS (Live! 16 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
17. CEKO vs POLANDIA (Live! 17 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
18. YUNANI vs RUSIA (Delay! 17 Juni, Pukul 04.00 WIB)
19. PORTUGAL vs BELANDA (Live! 18 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
20. DENMARK vs JERMAN (Live! 18 Juni, Pukul 04.00 WIB)
21. KROASIA vs SPANYOL (Live! 19 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
22. ITALIA vs IRLANDIA (Live! 19 Juni, 04.00 WIB)
23. INGGRIS vs UKRAINA (Live! 20 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
24. SWEDIA vs PERANCIS(Live! 20 Juni, Pukul 04.00 WIB

26. WINNER GROUP B vs RUNNER-UP GROUP A (Live! 23 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
27. WINNER GROUP C vs RUNNER-UP GROUP D (Live! 24 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
28. WINNER GROUP D vs RUNNER-UP GROUP C (Live! 25 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)  
JADWAL SEMI FINAL EURO 2012 :29. WINNER MATCH 25 vs WINNER MATCH 27 (Live! 28 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB)
30. WINNER MATCH 26 vs WINNER MATCH 28 (Live! 29 Juni, Pukul 01.00 WIB) 
JADWAL FINAL PIALA EROPA 2012 RCTI (Live! 1 Juli, Pukul 23.00 WIB)


Sinopsis Drama Korea Protect The Boss

Sinopsis Protect The Boss kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang Sinopsis Drama Korea Protect The Boss, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan berikut sinopsis nya semoga terhibur.

Drama Korea Protect The Boss

Drama komedi romantis Korea produksi stasiun SBS pada tahun 2011 ini mengisahkan kehidupan seorang gadis muda yang bernama No Eun-sul (Choi Kang-hee). Ia pemberani, suka berterus terang dan pandai bela diri namun masih menganggur karena belum juga mendapatkan pekerjaan.

Untunglah seorang direktur perusahaan besar DN Group yang bernama Cha Mu-won (Kim Jae-joong) tertarik pada sifat gadis tersebut sehingga merekrut Eun-sul sebagai sekretaris untuk sepupunya, Cha Ji-hun (Ji Sung) yang juga menjadi salah satu direktur perusahaan tersebut sekaligus pewarisnya.

Masalahnya Ji-hun yang sangat sensitif terhadap kebersihan ini sering membuat ayahnya, bos DN Group Cha Bong-man (Park Young-kyu) kesal sebab dia selalu mengacaukan rapat dan selalu menolak bila diminta melakukan presentasi. Namun sang ayah tidak tahu kalau sebenarnya Ji-hun menderita sindrom gampang panik jika harus berbicara di depan orang banyak.

Di sisi lain, Cha Mu-won memiliki sifat berbeda dengan Ji-hun. Mu-won tipikal pria pekerja keras, tenang, dan pintar. Karyawan perusahaan bahkan menjulukinya Mr. Perfect. Sebenarnya Mu-won berniat mempekerjakan Eun-sul untuk memata-matai kegiatan Ji-hun. Rupanya Mu-won sangat berambisi mengambil DN Group dari sepupunya.

Untuk mewujudkan niatnya, Mu-won berencana menikah dengan Seo Na-yun (Wang Ji-hye), seorang pengacara yang dianggap dapat membantu kariernya. Namun tidak terduga Mu-won mulai tertarik kepada Eun-sul, namun harus menghadapi persaingan asmara dengan Ji-hun. Lantaran Eun-sul selalu melindungi Ji-hun bahkan dari ayah Ji-hun sendiri sehingga Ji-hun mulai tergantung pada Eun-sul dan bahkan jatuh hati kepada sekretarisnya itu.


Model Baju Batik Modern

 Model Baju Batik Modern kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang  Model Baju Batik Modern , semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan

Model Baju Batik Modern

Demikian dari Model Baju Batik Modern bagaimana gambar Batik diatas? keren keren bukan gambar yang di berikan tentunya kalian makin cinta batik dan ingin sekali membeli batik hehe cintai produk dalm negeri takut dech di ambil negara tetangga ke budayaan kita xixix.


Kata Persahabatan Terbaru

Kumpulan Kata Kata Persahabatan Terbaru kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang Kata Persahabatan Terbaru, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga selalu berkenan dan bermanfaat untuk anda sekalian

Kata Kata Persahabatan Terbaru - bagi kita tentunya sahabat adalah segala - galanya dibandingkan dengan siapapun. dengan sahabat kita berbagi kebahagiaan dan kesedihan bersama - sama. tapi sudahkan anda mengungkapkan sesuatu yang spesial buat mereka? Berikut ini Kata Kata Persahabatan Terbaru yang saya miliki

“Semua orang pasti membutuhkan sahabat sejati, namun tidak semua orang berhasil mendapatkannya. Banyak pula orang yang telah menikmati indahnya persahabatan, namun ada juga yang begitu hancur karena dikhianati sahabatnya”

“Proses dari teman menjadi sahabat membutuhkan usaha pemeliharaan dari kesetiaan, tetapi bukan pada saat kita membutuhkan bantuan barulah kita memiliki motivasi mencari perhatian, pertolongan dan pernyataaan kasih dari orang lain, tetapi justru ia berinisiatif memberikan dan mewujudkan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh sahabatnya”

“Seorang sahabat tidak akan menyembunyikan kesalahan untuk menghindari perselisihan, justru karena kasihnya ia memberanikan diri menegur apa adanya”

“Sahabat tidak pernah membungkus pukulan dengan ciuman, tetapi menyatakan apa yang amat menyakitkan dengan tujuan sahabatnya mau berubah”

“Persahabatan diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur-disakiti, diperhatikan-dikecewakan, didengar-diabaikan, dibantu-ditolak, namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukan dengan tujuan kebencian”

“Persahabatan tidak terjalin secara otomatis tetapi membutuhkan proses yang panjang seperti besi menajamkan besi, demikianlah sahabat menajamkan sahabatnya”

“Apa yang kita alami demi teman kadang-kadang melelahkan dan menjengkelkan, tetapi itulah yang membuat persahabatan mempunyai nilai yang indah”

“Persahabatan sering menyuguhkan beberapa cobaan, tetapi persahabatan sejati bisa mengatasi cobaan itu bahkan bertumbuh bersama”

“Persahabatan tidak terjalin secara otomatis tetapi membutuhkan proses yang panjang seperti besi menajamkan besi, demikianlah sahabat menajamkan sahabatnya”

“Persahabatan diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur-disakiti, diperhatikan-dikecewakan, didengar-diabaikan, dibantu-ditolak, namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukan dengan tujuan kebencian”

Semoga Kumpulan Kata Kata Persahabatan Terbaru bermanfaat ya :D


Menghilangkan Mata Panda dengan Cara Alami

Cara Alami Menghilangkan Mata Panda kali ini Lubang Kecil share tentang Menghilangkan Mata Panda dengan Cara Alami, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk agan terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat.

Cara Alami Menghilangkan Mata PandaCara Alami Menghilangkan Mata Panda - Informasi kesehatan kali ini, alibloggers akan berbagi mengenai Cara Alami Menghilangkan Mata Panda. dan selengkapnya silahkan anda baca artikel ini sampai habis.

Cara Alami Menghilangkan Mata Panda
Bubuhkan parutan kentang mentah ke atas kapas. Tempatkan kapas pada mata. Pastikan kapas menutupi lingkaran hitam juga kelopak mata secara keseluruhan. Biarkan selama 10 menit, kemudian bilas dengan air. - Jika cara tersebut tidak ampuh, maka oleskanlah campuran satu sendok teh jus tomat serta perasan air lemon di sekitar mata. Lakukan dua kali sehari. - Pasta almond yang dicampur susu juga diketahui dapat mengatasi kantung mata. Oleskan campuran tersebut di seputar area kantung mata dan biarkan selama 10 sampai 15menit. - Ramuan lainnya adalah campuran dari satu sendok teh jus nanas segar dengan sejumput bubuk kunyik. Ramun ini akan sangat memebantu menyingkirkan lingkaran hitam. - Oleskan krim yang megandung vitamin E dan C di sekitar kantung mata. Krim sejenis dapat Anda dapatkan di toko-toko kosmetik. Anda juga bisa mengganti krim tersebut dengan daun mint segar. Selain aromanya yang segar, daun mint juga dapat mengurangi rasa lelah pada mata setelah seharian beraktifitas di depan komputer. - Cara lainnya adalah dengan minum segelas jus tomat yang dicampurkan dengan beberapa daun mint, perasan air jeruk nipis dan garam. Minumlah campuran jus tersebut dua kali sehari. Selain dapat mengatasi lingkaran hitam, ramuan tersebut juga dapat mencerahkan kulit wajah.

Cara II Menghilangkan Mata Panda Secara Alami
-Parut beberapa kentang mentah.lalu rendam kapas kedalam parutan itu.Tutup mata anda,kemudian tempatkan kapas ke mata anda.Pastikan kapas itu menutupi seluruh lingkaran hitam bawah mata serta kelopak mata.Biarkan selama 10 menit
-Oleskan satu sendok teh tomat dan air jeruk nipis ke sekitar mata.Lakukan dua kali sehari
-Bisa juga dengan menyiapkan pasta dari empat hingga lima almond dengan susu.Oleskan pasta disekitar lingkaran hitam mata,diamkan selama10 sampai 15 menit.Pasta akan membantu meringankan beban kulit sekitar mata
-Campurkan beberapa sendok teh jus nanas segar dengan sejumput bubuk kunyit,bila dioleskan di lingkaran hitam mata maka dapat membantu menghilangkannya.
-Minum segelas jus tomat yang di campur dengan beberapa daun mint,air jeruk nipis, dan garam.Minumlah dua kali sehari .Manfaat jus ini tidakhanya dapat menghilangkan lingkaran hitam tetapi juga mencerahkan wajah.
-Letakkan beberapa daun mint di sekitar mata.Hal ini dapat memberikan efek dingin untuk mata yang lelah.
-Terakhir jangan lupa,setiap malam sebelum tidur oleskan krim yang mengandung vitamin E dan C di sekitar mata.


More from Kara Swisher.

More loveliness from Kara:


Look, I'm sorry it hurt your feelings for someone to tell you the simple fact that you could have asked Cook hard questions, questions which were obvious and sitting in your hand, and you chose not to.

If it makes you feel better to taunt me instead, go ahead.

But people aren't stupid. There's good reasons you're not actually addressing my points at all, and you know it.

Change Doesn't Have to be All or Nothing

I remember the first orientation day when I had to face parents and explain to them that their child would probably not have much homework in my classroom.  I remember the fear that almost made me choke on my words, the way I had to remind myself to look up, the way I held my breath waiting for a reaction.  Then I added that instead of letter grades students would get feedback and we would set goals, grades would only show up on trimester report cards and no where else.  By now I was breaking into a cold sweat, my stomach churning, hands were clammy.  Somebody had to react, and then...nothing.  No raised hands, no sour faces, just a quiet wait for what else I had to share. 

Big changes for sure coming from this sophomore teacher.  Big changes that I felt had been necessary for me to be a better teacher and to provide a better education for the students.  Big changes that I had decided to do all at once.  And yet, you don't have to.  Even though I speak passionately about how throwing out grades or limiting homework has been the best decision I have ever made, that is exactly it; it was my decision.  Something that I knew I had to do to restore my sanity, my passion for teaching.  And yet, that doesn't mean it is going to work for you.  Perhaps my ideas are too extreme, or just do not fit with your educational philosophy and that is perfectly fine.  But maybe, just maybe, you would be willing to try it for just one little assignment?

Perhaps you are curious but just not ready to go all out.  Perhaps the idea of limiting homework overall sounds insane but maybe it could be tried for a unit?  Perhaps rather than a letter grade, for one project, feedback could be given or students could assess themselves?  Perhaps just trying something different one time will work better for you?  Perhaps, you might like it, perhaps you wont, but perhaps one time will change your mind?

As a first year teacher, if someone had told me to limit homework, or to get rid of grades, I would have rolled my eyes and not listened.  I would have thought them radical, extreme, or totally clueless.  I was not ready for that type of teaching.  I was not ready to take my teaching in that direction.  That direction had to come from within me, the timing had to be right, as did the purpose.   And that is ok.  It is ok to not embrace what Alfie Kohn says.  It is ok to have faith in whatever one believes is the way to teach, there is room for us all in education.  But perhaps, we should all try something else, just once, and then see if that change is meant for us or not. 

Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg Respond


last night I posted about the AllThingsD Conference, where mutual masturbation session had just taken place between Apple CEO Tim Cook, and technology journalists Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg. I basically accused them of using me as a joke to softball questions on China to Cook, and for generally creating an event that exists as a kind of dog and pony show to exalt the WSJ a lot more than it actually asks hard questions of those in power.

Kara Swisher chose to respond to these serious allegations this way:


This is a classic tactic from the schoolyard called I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?

It's also funny, because it could be read as saying, "Hey, we're just amateurs at being hacks—you, you're the PROFESSIONAL."

I responded:


This morning I woke up to this:


And she blocked me, so the conversation is over.

But if anyone at AllThingsD wants to pick up the conversation, feel free--after all, nothing I'm saying is invented or fabricated. You all know it's true. And it's telling that it pricks her so sharply that she has to taunt, and has no other response.

The truth is journalists should be very concerned about the intimacy between the tech media and the industry that it covers. I'm hardly the first person to point this out, and the fawning interviews that fail to apply even the slightest heat to CEOs like Cook don't do the Swisher and Mossberg any favors in that department.

So block me if you like, Kara, and don't answer. You're the one who purports to be a journalist, not me. Glad you read the questions, hope you think about it even a little bit. I know that a number of people following AllThingsD are thinking about it, and that's good enough for me.

Since this was not enough, AllThingsD founder, godfather of tech journalism, and Twitter heavyweight Walt Mossberg weighed in as well:


I also love how there's an implicit defense in here--because of course, everyone lies. What's notable is that I've actually admitted it.

But this isn't about me, Walt. It's about you, and Kara, and AllThingsD's tenth anniversary, and the kind of place it, and all tech journalism, has grown into.

So if you're done with that same high and mighty chair, Walt, maybe you should wrestle with any of the points I made earlier. Snarking at me isn't going to change that you two chose not to do your jobs last night. And people know it. They've known it for a while.

Like I said before—really do have a great conference,


An Open Letter to AllThingsD


So the AllThingsD conference is happening now. For the rest of the universe, AllThingsD is a tech conference in which the tech media gazes adoringly at the tech CEOs who then lovingly bestow their approval back. This evening Mr. Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, took the stage, leading to

6:43 pm: On China, Kara notes, you have many critics, and not just fictional ones (a reference to Mike Daisey). Why doesn’t Apple have its own factories in China?

First, Kara, this isn’t even good wordplay—I’m not a fictional fucking critic. The word you would want is fictitious, though that wouldn’t really work either—you probably knew that, but I think then you got lazy and just said, what the fuck…who is really paying attention to that shit, anyway, right?

But it fits the evening—given the tone of the opening schtick, complete with marching band and “humorous” prop cakes, it’s clear that no one who actually worked in a theatrical context helps you with your industry mixer.

Kara and Walt—do you really think you asked hard questions tonight? Goodness, you got Cook to admit…that Ping was a failure! That’s amazing. If only you had another hour, so you could get him to tell us who he liked best on Dawson’s Creek and what kind of ice cream is best: vanilla or cookies and cream. (Trick question: it’s always cookies and cream.)

Since you dipped your toe into “comedy”, I’ll bite and tell you how you can do your job better.

Let me suggest some actual questions you could have asked Tim Cook.

You could have asked,

“Recently you went to China for the first time as CEO to tour Foxconn’s production lines. Apple’s first outside audits of Foxconn happened in 2006, after media coverage back then, and the report recommendations made six years ago are the same as the ones made by the FLA in 2012. Did it not seem important enough a priority for the CEO go until now, six years later? Why did it take so long?”


“You’ve worked at Apple since 1998, and are credited for creating an incredible supply chain that is a huge part of Apple’s success. But the New York Times and others have pointed to the squeezing of that supply chain as a big part of the problems at Foxconn. Do you think Apple’s responsible for some of the problems that Apple’s been documenting since 2006 without making inroads on until this year?”

I came up with these in less than five minutes, Kara—and as so many have pointed out, I’M NOT EVEN A JOURNALIST. Imagine what you, an actual living journalist with credentials and EVERYTHING—why, your questions must be devastating! You’re a journalist, so I’m sure you read all the stories I’ve read and more, so you know how documented the situation is…this is the kind of situation a journalist should kill for. You’re finally talking with Tim Cook! That dude is like the sphinx! Lashinsky couldn't even get word one out of him! This is your CHANCE.

But it is even more galling is that this has happened before.

When Steve Jobs at on that stage and spun a line of incredible horseshit about the amazing fairyland that was Foxconn, a fairyland that today everyone, including Apple, agrees must change. Jobs knew all that when he snowed you, Kara and Walt and everybody. You didn’t press him, you listened with your hands folded in your laps.

That was hard. But this is a lot worse. What’s even worse is that you know it, and you still won’t ask the questions.

Perhaps Ms. Swisher is not so much a journalist as a technology columnist. That was Mr. Pogue’s defense, after all, when confronted with massive ethics violations—that he was
never a journalist at all. (I guess when you use that defense and write for the New York Times it actually works, as Mr. Pogue still has his job today.)

The kind of journalists who ask hard questions and value inquiry over appeasement have a name. It’s a simple title. They’re called journalists. They are the people I tip my hat to, and to whom I feel ashamed when I fall short, and they inspire me, and many of us, to tell better stories.

Maybe the problem is in part that these tech journalists, whom I have been told over and over again these last few months that will now carry the banner, now that Apple is awake, they will do the job I never could with “real reporting” and “impartial objective coverage”…maybe they aren’t actually journalists either?

Perhaps instead they are “journalists”, in quotes, as almost every writer for technology outlets must feel like: hemmed between the corporations who make the devices, the PR teams, and all the forces that exist in our marketplace. Maybe they arrive at a place where they have an outlandish conference that feels like an industry kissing party because that’s precisely what it is.

But why should this be surprising? Walt Mossberg, who was onstage with Kara tonight, came and saw AGONY/ECSTASY over a year ago in DC. We spoke together in the lobby, where I was insistent that the tech media were exactly the people who should be telling this story. He fobbed me off, saying it was “interesting”…but it was so clear that unless the big boys snapped their fingers, no one inside the tech circle was going to bite the hand. And no one did.

Well, it surprised me. Because I had such hope that tech journalists would lead. I had such hope that they would stand up and do their jobs. But they didn’t. Other journalists, with much less to lose, did their job for them years after the fact…and that gap, that delay, is a direct and deep failure of technology journalism. And my anger at their failure is matched by their callow blindness—after the TAL retraction, they decided to go back to sleep as deeply as they can, which is what they've been trying to do in the first place.

I don’t call myself a journalist—I never did. And I have paid the price for where I’ve gone wrong. I fucked up, and I’ve owned it. The nice thing about coming through something like that is that afterward, you don’t have anything to lose.

And even if it makes the tech journalists bray and whine and stamp their little feet, we all know there’s a lot of truth in this. Everybody knows it. Just get off your high horses and fucking admit it.

Have a good time at your conference,



Foto sexy Betty Zhou,Model cantik China !


Obama the Warrior - Glenn Greenwald -

Obama the Warrior - Glenn Greenwald -

Last week, the journal Foreign Policy published an extraordinary article – not extraordinary because of what it says, but because of who said it. It was written by Aaron David Miller, a lifelong D.C. foreign policy bureaucrat who served as a Middle East adviser to six different Secetaries of State in Democratic and GOP administrations. Miller’s article, which compared Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on foreign policy, was entitled “Barack O’Romney,” and the sub-headline said it all: “Ignore what the candidates say they’ll do differently on foreign policy. They’re basically the same man.” It began this way: “If Barack Obama is reelected, he ought to consider making Mitt Romney his new secretary of state” because “despite his campaign rhetoric, Romney would be quite comfortable carrying out President Obama’s foreign policy because it accords so closely with his own.”

Miller devotes himself to debunking one of the worst myths in Washington, propagated out of self-interest by conservatives and progressives alike: namely, that there is a vast and radical difference between the parties on most key issues and that bipartisanship is so tragically scarce. In the foreign policy context which is his expertise, Miller explains that — despite campaign rhetoric designed to exaggerate (or even invent) differences in order to motivate base voters — the reality is exactly the opposite.

Photo Cantik Asin Thottumkal, Artis Baru Bollywood

Baru meniti karier di Bollywood empat tahu lalu, tapi nama Asin Thotumkal (26) sudah moncer. Dia dianggap punya andil dalam sukses besar film Housefull 2: The Dirty Dozen.
Housefull 2: The Dirty Dozen kini berada di posisi paling atas dalam daftar box office Bollywood. Sekuel Housefull (2010) yang dibesut sutradara Sajid Khan ini totalnya mencatat 100 crore atau setara 19,95 juta dolar AS atau setara juga dengan 183,4 miliar rupiah! Raihan ini membuat film bergenre komedi yang dirilis Februari lalu ini masuk dalam 20 daftar film Bollywood paling laris.

Ada banyak faktor kenapa Housefull 2 begitu disukai. Yang paling utama, karena film ini mengundang tawa -- kisahnya tentang tingkah lucu dua saudara tiri yang saling bersaing mendapatkan menantu superkaya bagi putri-putri mereka. Kekuatan lain ada pada lokasi yang diambil di banyak negara di luar India. Terakhir, film ini digandrungi lantaran memasang sederet aktor dan aktris yang tengah bersinar namanya. Ada Akshay Kumar, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez, Shreyas Talpade, Shazahn Padamsee, Ritesh Deshmukh, dan juga Asin Thottumkal.

Nama yang disebut terakhir merupakan sensasi Bollywood terbaru. Meski baru meniti karier di Bollywood 4 tahun lalu, nama Asin sudah mencorong. Ia bahkan kerap disejajarkan dengan aktris Bollywood lain yang sudah lebih dulu mapan seperti Deepika Padukone atau pun Katrina Kaif. Tak cuma itu, bakat besar dan paras yang rupawan gadis berzodiak Scorpio ini, menjadikannya salah satu aktris incaran produser Bollywood.

Toh, meski diburu banyak produser, putri pasangan Joseph Thotumkal dan Dr Seline ini tak mau jor-joran berakting. Itu sebabnya, selama 4 tahun berkarier di Bollywood, ia hanya main di 5 judul film saja. “Saya tak pernah terburu-buru menerima tawaran film. Saya hanya mengiakan, bila saya merasa nyaman bekerja dengan orang-orang di film itu. Saya juga tak mau menerima tawaran main film dalam waktu bersamaan. Prinsipnya, saya ingin fokus. Itu sebabnya, ketimbang aktris yang lain, jumlah film saya lebih sedikit,” tutur penyuka warna hitam dan merah ini.

Meski di ranah Bollywood tergolong anak bawang, dunia akting bukan hal baru buat Asin. Sebelum menancapkan kariernya di Bollywood, ia sudah lebih dulu eksis di jagat film India Selatan. Di sana, Asin termasuk aktris yang sangat populer. Totalnya, ada 17 film, yang berbahasa Tamil, Malayalam dan Telugu, yang dibintanginya. “Banyak aktris India Selatan yang tak cocok berkarier di Bollywood karena masalah perbedaan bahasa dan budaya. Tapi saya tak merasa kedua hal itu jadi masalah besar. Saya senang bermain di film India Selatan dan juga Bollywood,” kata Asin yang menguasai bahasa Inggris, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, dan Malayalam. 

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