It's Only Been a Year - Happy Blogday to Me

It's Only Been a Year - Happy Blogday to Me

A year ago, yesterday, I started this blog with a very simple goal in mind; write. On the urgings of my incredible husband who thought I had a story to tell, I ventured into blogging with no plan other than to keep it honest and reflective. Now as my first milestone in the blogging world passed, I am grateful for his insistence. To say that writing this blog has been life changing is not giving it enough credit. Rather than bore you with all of the details of how my life has been changed, I will only highlight a few things. So blogging stopped me from:

Wasting away with my ideas. Who knew there were others out there on a journey similar to mine? For those people who have cheered me on, thank you. And for those people who have questioned, dissed, and torn me apart - thank you as well. Through constant questioning I have been able to refine, reflect, and realize that I am a human being that makes mistakes and sometimes has bad ideas. What a gift that is.

Being dishonest. I couldn't just write about how I was going to change my teaching and my life, I actually had to do it. Putting my thoughts out in public meant accountability, I want to make sure I actually do all of the things I so proudly exclaim. So if you ever stop by my classroom, yes,it does actually run the way I write about.

Becoming stagnant. If I didn't change, I wouldn't have anything to write about, I can just imagine a blog detailing how I am still doing the same thing every day. This has been a journey of teaching and I can see the growth when I reflect.

Being anonymous. It is much easier to hide behind the anonymous label when I reach out but having this blog has offed me a "new" identity and one that I am very proud of. Being an introvert in an extroverts body has certainly led to a lot of awkwardness but I get now how my kids feel when I put them on the spot as well. If we can't do it comfortably, why should our students?

Quitting teaching. Last year I was ready to quit. I didn't have my purpose, I didn't have the drive, and I certainly didn't feel the passion. Now? I want to change the world, I want to reach all of my students, I want to grown with them and learn from them.

So thank you people, thank you Brandon, thank you to the haters and the believers. Who knows how long my blogging journey will last, but for now I am grateful for the year I have conquered. There have been tears, laugher, many questions and lots of brutal honesty, the next year can only get better (and more honest).
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